If you are experiencing hearing loss, one of the things that you want to do is manage it to the best of your ability and maintain a healthy lifestyle. One of the common misconceptions about hearing loss is that your lifestyle has no impact on your hearing. This is entirely untrue, and if you want to live a healthy life and prevent your hearing from declining further as much as possible, then it’s important you throw this idea away. In this article, we’re going to be taking a look at some of the things that you can do to manage your hearing loss and maintain a healthy lifestyle at the same time, so keep reading if you would like to find out more.

Get Regular Hearing Tests

First, you should ensure that you are getting regular hearing tests. Your audiologist should tell you how frequently they want to see you depending on the level of hearing loss that you are experiencing. This is done for a number of reasons, the most important of which is to check to see if your hearing is deteriorating further, or if it’s staying the same.

You will also find that if you get regular hearing tests, you will be able to get the right treatment for your specific circumstances. In some cases, this is going to mean hearing aids, and in other cases there may be other treatment recommended by your audiologist. The form of treatment may change over time as your hearing changes, so this is something that you should be prepared for.

Focus on Your Nutrition

You might not realize it, but food can actually play a huge part in how well you can hear. In order to protect your hearing from hearing loss, or from any further damage, you should ensure that you are eating a healthy, balanced diet. There are certain foods that are particularly good for your hearing as they help to strengthen the bones inside your ear, and by providing you with the nutrients that you need to reduce the risk of you developing any hearing-related illnesses.

Some of the foods that you should be eating are broccoli, bananas, garlic, legumes, dark chocolate and fish. Each of these are excellent for your hearing health, and if you don’t like some of them, we’re sure that you can stomach at least one for the sake of your hearing health.

Try to Limit the Amount of Loud Noise

It might sound obvious, but you need to try to limit the amount of loud noises that you are exposed to on a regular basis. Loud noises are one of the most common causes of hearing loss, and you want to minimize your exposure to anything that could damage it. For example, if you are going to be going to a concert or a music festival, it’s always advisable that you wear some kind of ear protection. While it might not look cool, due to the level of the music, you will still be able to hear what’s going on around you, just at a reduced level. It keeps your hearing nice and safe, and you still get to have a good time.

But there are other things that you need to be wary of as well. For example, washing machines are extremely loud, but we have become so desensitized to it because we see it as normal. If you are around something like this all day, use ear protection. Lastly on this note, you need to also keep your earphones at a reasonable volume if you are using them.

Give Up Smoking

Last but not least, if you are a smoker, this could be partially to blame for your hearing loss. If you want to manage your hearing loss to the best of your ability and maintain a healthy lifestyle, you’re going to have to give up cigarettes. We know that it can be tough, but smoking can cause blockages that end up leading to you losing your hearing. There are programs to help you quit smoking so you aren’t going to have to do this all on your own. You just need to be willing to get the help that you need, and work hard to fight the temptation for your own sake.

If you would like to find out more about hearing loss, how to manage it and how to maintain a healthy lifestyle, then get in touch with Dr. Eimer’s Hearing Clinic at 231-333-5118. A member of the team will be ready and waiting to answer any questions that you may have, and book you an appointment as soon as possible.

Tags: hearing loss symptoms, hearing loss testing